It's time! Do you have a VRML 2.0 Browser?

If you already have a VRML 2.0 browser, click on Floops to see the current episode.

IMPORTANT: the download will take a few minutes across a 28.8 modem line, please be patient. After you see Floops in your browser window, wait an extra minute for the sound file to download. Click on Floops to start the animation. If you have problems, see our help page.

If you don't have a VRML 2.0 browser yet, try this one!

We understand these files are big (200 - 250k), and we don't like it anymore than you do. Most of the bandwidth clog is actually because of the sound and animation parts of the cartoon, the VRML files themselves are relatively small. Eventually sound and animation in VRML worlds will be "streamed" and downloads will be a breeze. Long waits are just par for the course for cutting edge technologies and hey, you can say you saw it first. "Ah nellie, remember when we had to wait two whole minutes to download VRML files? Wow, the world's changed." That's gotta be worth something.....

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